
Creating a product of only the best quality is the most important principle of our company. During the development of the innovative Arilis correctors a great deal of work was done In the development of the innovative Arilyl correctors an enormous amount of work has been done so that today we are able to reduce reject rates to zero. Modern technologies of production, patented formula of glue application, only the best raw materials - all this is transformed Under the control of qualified specialists we turn into Arilis ear correctors. Scientists from Russia and Europe have been creating the product for many years, which now makes correction of ears perfectly harmless.

Quality Control Service

We place very high demands on the quality of our products: ear correction must not only We have very high demands on the quality of our products: Not only must they be effective and safe, but they must also be comfortable. That is why if you think that the correctors you have ordered correctors for For any reason, please send us a message with a detailed description of the problem. describe the problem. If there is a possibility, attach pictures to the message. The information will be promptly processing managers of the quality control service and passed to specialists.